Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Since I've been working nights at Chili's it's been a little hectic here around the house. Chris never really understood all the work it takes to take care of two kids. In the beginning I would come home to Kaylee passed out on the floor, toys scattered everywhere, Crew asleep in his crib(fully dressed in regular clothes), dishes all over the table (cereal bowls and crackers to be exact), and then Chris sitting in the middle of the living room floor staring at the TV while he played XBox! I was a little more than stressed to see all of this everynight! We had a talk, and I think things are changing now. Last night I came home and the dishes were in the sink (he actually made chicken with veggies!), the toys were put away, the kids were in their pj's in bed, but yes, Chris was still playing XBox... oh well! I think he realizes that it does take a little effort to manage the kids and keep a clean house. Hopefully he will appreciate that clean house a little more everyday he comes home from work now. So if your man ever asks you, "What did you do today that was so hard?" Just get a night job and let them handle it!


Larzipan said...

Shawn, you are one tough woman to be able to work nights away from your family. I knew when Chris married you that you had a great work ethic, but man! You work harder than any other gal I know! I hope you know we all aspire to be like that... and I'm glad Chris is helping, he needs a kick in the pants sometimes :)

Marta said...

Good for Chris for stepping up to the plate like that...and actually trying to help out more. I know after a long day at work, he's tired, and doesn't want to cook a real healthy dinner for the children, and try to clean up after...but I can totally appreciate his efforts to help you fulfill your responsibilites, and do something nice for the kids. That's what I call great teamwork!

Lynsee said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN! I hope you had fun last night. Sorry I missed it.