Monday, February 16, 2009

Primary Songs...

Sunday after Church we are driving home and I hear Kaylee in the back seat singing a primary song. I listen more carefully to her words and this is what I hear...

"The rain came down and the blood came up,
The rain came down and the blood came up,
The rain came down and the blood came up,
And the garden was still there, and so was the house."

I was quietly chuckling to myself, and thought I would share that with everyone else. Kids are so cute!


Larzipan said...

Cooper inserts his own phrases too, like in the middle of "I love to see the temple" he says "I'm going poo-poo" and then gets up and goes. Kids are the best!

Catherine said...

Emily makes up her own words too, but Kaylee is pretty creative with the "blood came up" part. Have you been reading her Twilight or something? ;) lol That is too funny!

Jamie Broderick Photography said...
