Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crayon Nightmares!

I'm sure every mom has had this nightmare, or... will eventually. You walk into your living room to find that your child has redecorated the walls with their art work! Crayon EVERYWHERE! Crew just learned how to draw circles, so he thought it would be nice to draw them on just about every wall. How in the world are you supposed to take care of this!?

Well, I have your answer, and most of you might be shocked to know, that there are no chemicals involved! You already have what you need in your house right now! Your hair dryer, and dryer sheets!

Yup! That's it! Some might already have known about this, but I had to do some research, so I thought I would share what I found with you. You simply take your hair dryer, and heat up the crayon, then wipe it away with the dryer sheet. No scrubbing, no sweat! This works on just about any hard surface you have. Book shelves, tables, walls, doors, etc. Good luck, oh, and your welcome!


Anonymous said...

Where's the after picture to prove your methods work?!!!


Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

I am sure this will come in handy one day - thanks

Larzipan said...

I will be using this. Thanks!