Monday, May 3, 2010

Summer is quickly approaching!

In less than 3 weeks we will officially start summer vacation! What am I going to do with all these kids!? I would like to start a schedule that's for sure! So I am wondering what everyone else does with their kids for the summer?

Here are some things I would like to incorporate:
Swimming (going to the city pool at lease once per week)
Movie (Summer Movie pass at Harkins...what day will you go?)
Craft Day (I could use some good ideas for this!! I found a fun one to try here)
Park Day (It's too hot in the summer to play at the actual park but, McDonald's play place and Chick-fil-A will work just fine)
Field Trip Day?? (Would it be too much to plan a trip to somewhere fun? Museum, Library, Science Center etc..)

Ok, give me your ideas!! If you want to join me in my little adventures that would be awesome!! The more kiddos the better!!

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