Friday, March 14, 2008

Slip Covers!

My lovely sister and brother-in-law gave us a wonderful (brand spankin' new) sofa, two arm chairs, and a coffee table from IKEA! They are just so perfect! The only problem with the whole set is that it is 100% white. And not just white, it's white canvas! Now if you have little kids, you'll understand that this could turn out to be a big problem. Well, I took a trip to IKEA to purchase some darker slip covers for the set, and WOW! They are expensive! So I am now searching Ebay every day hoping that someone will eventually put up the colors that I want. What I want is the sofa to be a dark brown, and the chairs like a bright lime green. I know it sounds weird, but it would look so sweet in my house. But if anyone wants to be generous for my birthday coming up, I wouldn't mind that either... hehe...


Angie A. said...

Shawn, this is Angie, Becca's friend. I have heard of dying slipcovers to change their color. I'm not sure if you could try that or if it would get dark enough, but maybe if you researched it online, you might find more info. Hope it all works out.

Plumbs Reupholstery said...

Hi Shawn, just found your blog. Thought I'd let you know about a website that sells made to measure slip covers at resonable prices. I hope you find something. Simon.