Kaylee, Crew and I drove up to St. George two Fridays ago to see Grandma Syphus turn 50. We surprised her because she didn't know that we were going to be there. Unfortunately Chris couldn't make it due to work, but we all missed him. All the grandkids were there and they are all soo darn adorable! After spending a few days in St. George we decided it would be fun to travel north to Wellsville to visit Great Grandma Stuart.
Here we are on the road trip, just stopped for a bite to eat! Kaylee and Crew are awesome travelers. Everyone thinks I'm so brave for traveling that far alone, but it was cake! They're awesome kids!
Crew with Great Great Grandpa; Crew with Great Grandpa; Crew with Great Grandma You can tell everyone wanted a little peice of that stud muffin! Kaylee also had a great time. We went to several parks, the zoo, and she loved swinging on the old swing in Great Great Grandpa's backyard (the one I used to swing on when I was a kid)!
Towards the end of our trip to Wellsville we went to the Zoo! It wasn't a big zoo, but it was just big enough for Kaylee and Crew! We had a blast looking at all the interesting birds and animals.
Then of course there are always the family pictures. We had four out of the five generations there for the picture... just missing my mom!
All in all, this was a great trip and I can't wait to do it again soon!
cute pictures. Looks like you guys had fun.
u drive mum I will take care of her in the back seat, Ignore the squeals it is just my fingers going in her pussy
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