Thursday, April 17, 2008

Creepy Crawlers!

I was out with Kaylee and Crew today and Kaylee says, "Mom! I have to go potty!" So of course we make a run for the bathrooms. Luckily we made it in time and Kaylee sat down to go potty and I thought, "Hmm, I'll just change Crew while I'm in here waiting for her." So I put him on the changing table they had and pulled out my diaper changing pack (it carries all my diapers, wipes, and has a neat changing pad in there too), I go to un-Velcro it and BAM! There is a huge black spider just crawling around! I scream, throw the thing on the floor (accidentally in Kaylee's direction), and then think, "Oh crap did it fly onto Kaylee?!" So I look frantically all over Kaylee and it's no where to be seen (she seemed confused the whole time), then I glance back over to the diaper pack and there it is! I try to kick it off, but I'm wearing sandals so it was a little harder than normal. In the end, the nasty spider went to 'spider heaven'.

You might be asking yourself, "How did a spider get into your diaper bag? Probably some food left in it?" Well, no, I don't keep food in my diaper bag unless it is sealed in a Tupperware, and there was no food in there at the time.

Lately Chris has been opening the front and back doors at the same time to let a cross breeze in the house to cut down on our air conditioning bill. I am totally against it for several reasons, one of them being the bugs that crawl in! Needless to say, I called Chris and yelled at him and told him, "No More!" I'm ok with windows being open because they have screens that don't let bugs in, and still give our house proper ventilation. Chris still thinks that bugs just don't crawl in through the front door, but I say that if they see an open invitation they're going to take it!


Larzipan said...

ewww! I HATE spiders!!! I had to kill one the other day and I am still freaked out about it!
P.S. Those weren't polaroids, I used a program called picasa, it's run by google and you can download it for free. It scans your computer automatically for all your pictures and then sorts them by date, then you can edit them and even make cool collages like I did... then you can upload them directly to blogger!

Marta said...

Yeah, I agree, no more spiders. Gross. I'm always paranoid about stuff like that, I could have NEVER been a pioneer.